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Our Story

It was 1991, Not many immigrants knew where is, Phoenix, Arizona. Most of the immigrants knew New York and Chicago, where they landed and settled. But now they were heading west because of Silicon Valley. The City of Phoenix had only one Masjid, ICC. Some members wanted to see changes but met resistance, so they rented a warehouse in 1994 and named It MUSLIM COMMUNITY MOSQUE. The very next the decision was made to buy the land for second Masjid in town.

Soon Allah mobilizing people who will worship there. The political turmoil in Africa resulted in refugees from Somalia and Sudan, September 11, 2001 refugees from Afghanistan, Iraq and later from Burma were all inhabited around this area. Now thousands of immigrant Muslims reside around this area and use this wooden box. The space initially for fifty people can’t accommodate hundreds of them. This is result of right, pious NIYAT of Tall Man.


Our vision at MCM Phoenix is to build a vibrant and forward-thinking Islamic center that serves as a beacon of faith, knowledge, and community empowerment. We aspire to create a modern, environmentally conscious, and technologically advanced space that meets the evolving needs of our diverse community.


Through the teachings of Islam, we aim to inspire individuals to lead purposeful lives and contribute positively to the wider society. Our commitment is to uphold the principles of peace, tolerance, and community engagement, creating a lasting impact on the lives we touch.

To meet the growing needs of the Muslim community in Phoenix by building a new mosque that is accessible, can accommodate approximately 1,000 worshipers, and offers supporting services that include a part-time Islamic school.

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